Sunday, February 19, 2012


hello all i am new here,

my question is how i can activate http in sql server 2005

i want to run a helpdesk application but i cant make a new database.

it has something to do with create endpoint, i have no knowlege off sql server 2005 its not my field

can someone help me please?

It seems like you may have 2 separate problems. One is creating a new database and the other is creating an endpoint. If the root problem of the "helpdesk application" is creating the new database, I suggest posting a new forum posting with the error you get when you try to create the database. That will help people understand what the problem is and be able to suggest solutions.

Regarding creating an endpoint, I assume you are already able to connect to SQL Server. You will need SQL administrator or equivalent permissions to create the endpoints. For additional information regarding creating endpoints, please refer to Books Online "CREATE ENDPOINT" topic (

If you have problems creating the endpoint outside of the "helpdesk application" (ie. using SQL Management Studio), please post the error you get from the server.


thank you jimmy,

i have found a workaround by installing a different sqlserver

thanks anyway


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