Friday, February 24, 2012

Create file if does not exist but use if it does

I have the following SQL code. How can I put a check in here to see
if the file already exists and create it if not but insert the data
into it if it does? Thanks for your help
--[ Declare Variables ]--
DECLARE @.ThisWeek as smallDatetime
DECLARE @.ThisQtr as Integer
DECLARE @.ThisYear as Integer
DECLARE @.ThisYrQtr as Varchar(4)
DECLARE @.CmdStr as Varchar(1000)
--[ Populate the Variable with Month/Quarter/Year info ]--
Select @.ThisWeek = Mondate, @.ThisQtr = Qtr, @.ThisYear = [Year],
@.ThisYrQtr = Cast( (SubString( Cast([Year] as Char(4)), 3, 2) +
'Q' + Cast([Qtr] as Char(1)) ) AS varChar(4))
>From dbHistory.dbo.tbQtrNdx
Where Mondate = fn_Mondate(GetDate())
--[ Build the SQL script to execute ZZZ123 archive ]--
Select @.CmdStr = Select * Into dbHistory.dbo.tbZZZ123_' + @.ThisYrQtr +
' ' +
'From dbHostdata.dbo.tbZZZ123 ' +
'Where Mondate = ''' + master.dbo.fn_formatDate(@.ThisWeek, 'mm/dd/
yy') + ''''
Exec (@.CmdStr)
--[ Build the SQL script to execute Bills archive ]--
Select @.CmdStr = 'Select * Into dbHistory.dbo.tbBills_' + @.ThisYrQtr +
' ' +
'From dbMetrics.dbo.tbBills ' +
'Where Mondate = ''' + master.dbo.fn_formatDate(@.ThisWeek, 'mm/dd/
yy') + ''''
Exec (@.CmdStr)Why not use
-- Update record
-- create new record
-- End Else wrote:
> I have the following SQL code. How can I put a check in here to see
> if the file already exists and create it if not but insert the data
> into it if it does? Thanks for your help
> --[ Declare Variables ]--
> DECLARE @.ThisWeek as smallDatetime
> DECLARE @.ThisQtr as Integer
> DECLARE @.ThisYear as Integer
> DECLARE @.ThisYrQtr as Varchar(4)
> DECLARE @.CmdStr as Varchar(1000)
> --[ Populate the Variable with Month/Quarter/Year info ]--
> Select @.ThisWeek = Mondate, @.ThisQtr = Qtr, @.ThisYear = [Year],
> @.ThisYrQtr = Cast( (SubString( Cast([Year] as Char(4)), 3, 2) +
> 'Q' + Cast([Qtr] as Char(1)) ) AS varChar(4))
>>From dbHistory.dbo.tbQtrNdx
> Where Mondate = fn_Mondate(GetDate())
> --[ Build the SQL script to execute ZZZ123 archive ]--
> Select @.CmdStr = Select * Into dbHistory.dbo.tbZZZ123_' + @.ThisYrQtr +
> ' ' +
> 'From dbHostdata.dbo.tbZZZ123 ' +
> 'Where Mondate = ''' + master.dbo.fn_formatDate(@.ThisWeek, 'mm/dd/
> yy') + ''''
> Exec (@.CmdStr)
> --[ Build the SQL script to execute Bills archive ]--
> Select @.CmdStr = 'Select * Into dbHistory.dbo.tbBills_' + @.ThisYrQtr +
> ' ' +
> 'From dbMetrics.dbo.tbBills ' +
> 'Where Mondate = ''' + master.dbo.fn_formatDate(@.ThisWeek, 'mm/dd/
> yy') + ''''
> Exec (@.CmdStr)

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