Hi guys..!!
i am working on Dynamic creation of DTS-packages in C#.NET 2005(sql server 200)
but i not must create package in Sql Server.
but i cant...
can i do ?
any ideas ?
DTS has a Save as VB option. This is a great way of getting sample code, so try that on a demo package. VB to VB.Net has some differences, see this link for some tips.
Converting a DTS Package from Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .Net
VB.Net to C# should not be hard, plenty of tools that do this.
Hopefully when you view the VB sample code you will get a feel for the object model and how it is used, and going forward you can just write the C# directly.
There is a DTS specific newsgroup (microsoft.public.sqlserver.dts) which may be worth search and posting on, as it is DTS not SSIS focused.
|||but this source not contain code for vb or vb.net
no problem is writing vb or vb.net
problem is "how to create programmatic (dynamic) DTS-Package in dotnet? "
|||You appear to be repeating yourself, so can we try again...
Mehmet Metin Altuntas wrote:
problem is "how to create programmatic (dynamic) DTS-Package in dotnet? "
To create a DTS package dynamically in dotnet you need to write some code. DTS uses an object model, have you added a reference?
Mehmet Metin Altuntas wrote:
but this source not contain code for vb or vb.net
What is not source code? I suggested using the Save as VB option to generate some sample code. If you already know how to use the DTS object model in code, what are you asking? If you do not know how to use the DTS object model in code, try generating some sample code as a guide.
Mehmet Metin Altuntas wrote:
no problem is writing vb or vb.net
Sorry, that does not make sense.
The Save as VB option wil give you VB code. The link told you how to convert this to VB.net. There are tools that convert VB.net to C#. It may be a three stage process but it will give you C# code. Once you are familiar with this you can write c# directly, but to HELP you LEARN how to use it in code, Save as VB is a start point.
Surely some code, even VB is easier to learn from than no code at all. There is no Save As C# option, so learn from the VB.
Any help?
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