Sunday, March 25, 2012

Create Table

I have created a table already but I want to create another table inside it. Is it even possible?You can't create tables within tables. You should create subtables with foreign key references to the primary key of the parent table instead.|||As blindman said, with the SQL Standards currently in use, you cannot create a table within another table. I've been told that the new SQL:2006 standard (which no database engine yet implements afaik) describes a new feature which accomplishes this task. Unfortunately, I've had to little time to study the SQL:2006 standard so I don't have any details.|||Do you get copies of the standard roac?|||Currently Google is my friend. But I will have my own copies, yes. They can be bought from . As many of the upoming standards are drafts, they have a bit nicer price, $30.

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