Thursday, March 29, 2012

Create Table with current date as part of the table name

Afternoon all,

Is it possible from within SQL Server Management Studio to create a table based upon an existing table using the current date as part of the table name?

I.E; SELECT * FROM TABLENAME INTO TABLENAMEWITHDATE - if this query was setup as a SSMS Agent Job we could create a daily snapshot of data in this table.

I've tried many times but always get an incorrect syntax message when I try to excecute the query. I'm not sure what syntax I should use to create the tablename with current date included?

Any help would be appreciated.



Though I am wary of what you are trying to do (a permanent table with a column fro the load date is usually easier to work with,) you could use dynamic SQL:

declare @.tableName varchar(8), @.query nvarchar(1000)

set @.tableName = convert(varchar(8), getdate(),112)

select @.query = 'select name into ' + quotename(@.tableName) + ' from sys.objects'

exec (@.query)

select *
from sys.objects
where name = @.tableName


Thanks, Louis, you've been a great help.

If you ever find yourself lost in Chepstow I'll definately be buying your drinks.



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